Tuesday, August 5, 2014

DIY How To Make Your Own Neverending Dryer Sheets, for cheap!

Okay, confession time: when I got married, my domestic skills consisted of knowing how to make Ramen noodles, and how to sweep the floors. I knew NOTHING about cooking or cleaning or household chores. I started at ground zero... and boy have I come a long way!

On my journey of learning how to do laundry, I ruined exactly 1 dryer and countless tshirts & clothes... I was clueless, truly the daughter of a Mom who did everything. It didn't take me long to realize I needed to separate colors, keep towels away from sweaters, and for goodness sake-- check all the pockets for ink pens!

One thing I didn't catch onto for a few years is how to keep clothing feeling soft and comfy. My family wore rough rigid clothing without complaint for quite awhile, until I discovered the beauty of fabric softener.

Now, I never really understood how liquid fabric softener worked... when the heck are you supposed to use it? Am I supposed to pour it into the washing machine mid-cycle? Who pays THAT much attention to the rinse & spin process? I had a better idea, here's how I did it.

...the best part: it cost me $3.48! AND lasts for a LONGGG time (and come on, anything is better than those pesky dryer sheets you find on your pants-leg walking through the Target parking lot).

Here's what you need:
Old washcloths, new washcloths, baby washcloths... even little sponges would work!

An airtight spillproof container. I got this from the chinese place down the street, my hot & sour soup came in it lol

Any brand of fabric softener will do, this was $3.48 at Target. BOOM!

Step 1. Measure 1 cup of water + 1/2 cup of fabric softener. The recipe is 1 part softener, 2 parts water... so adjust the amounts according to your container size.

Step 2. Pour water & fabric softener in container, seal lid, and shake shake shake!

Step 3. Put washcloths in container. You can also cut up a couple cloths so you have different sizes (if you're doing a small load).

Step 4. Voila! Your dryer sheets are ready to use! Pop one in the dryer, turn it on, and feel the difference in your linens.

Simply store your container with your other laundry products, and refill when needed. 

...and I did this all with items I already had in my house. Never buying dryer sheets AGAIN.

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